We're expecting... Twins!
Hello Lovely!
Omar and I are so excited to finally share the news with you! As you can see from the post title and image, we are expecting TWINS! Originally, we were told they would be due in the beginning of October, but they are both charting larger than expected now, so my OB believes they will be here at the end of September! We had no idea we were having twins until our 8 week ultrasound, and we feel so incredibly blessed. 🙏
Although it was a bit of a challenge to keep this a secret (and hide my rapidly growing bump) from our friends and family throughout the first trimester, we are so happy we waited to share the news! I was a mess those first three months, and I worried about every little thing I did, ate, and felt. I was overly protective of my growing bump and wanted to make sure I was doing everything in my power to help these babies get off to the healthiest start possible. I also struggled with 24/7 morning sickness, which I will probably dedicated another post to in case you are interested in learning more about how I dealt with it.
^^^ Here's a photo of what my bump looked like at 16 weeks.🤰🏽
We are now at the 18.5 week mark! The next big step is finding out whether we are going to be having two boys, two girls, or one boy and one girl! The majority of our family and friends are rooting for one boy and one girl, but honestly, I do not have a preference! I am just so grateful they exist in the first place. All I want is for them to be healthy, happy babies!
We are so excited to take you on this journey with us! I will be sharing some of my maternity fashion favorites, tips to help combat morning sickness, and how we are preparing for the arrival of these two little peanuts! We are also planning on having a gender reveal party in June, and I will definitely be sharing all of the details on the blog! If any of you mamas out there have advice, please share it in the comments section below! We can use all the help we can get!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!
Yours Truly, Victoria
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